Of course, it took a while, and I ate Silent Hunter 3. I will never forget that for hours we had a convoy attack with other players from the multiplayer, these long-lasting collisions. I can never forget the attacks, especially on convoys. It was possible to do different tasks with this editor, especially the game was taking shape with modes that could be drawn from the address. My favorite part was the editorial support of the sh (Silent Hunter) series. There were mistakes when the game first came out. My fondness for U-Boots was very much in your face with Silent Hunter 3. But for me, Silent Hunter 3, the best in the series, seriously reached the top. He filled the eye with his developed graphics. A beautiful introduction with the first, the series raised the bar with its second game.

The Silent Hunter series, which has found quite a wide place in my heart for a long time, is among my favorite. Of course, if Silent Hunter comes on top of them, which is a pretty good series in the field, I’ll never miss it. He described what a German U-Boot went through in World War II, what they went through.
In fact, Das Boot is, to me, the best submarine movie ever translated. The first is my general interest in submarines, and the second is the film “Das Boot”, which affects me quite deeply. Yeah, the first stylish thing that appeared in your mind is “U-Boot.” There are two main points of me being so close to U-boots. He made his way through the dark vast waters of the Atlantic Ocean, quite feared.

But there were always those who were my point of interest in them, in a certain period of time, on a certain date. Along with tanks, submarines are the most beautiful tools I love. They even launch a rocket underwater at a distant target, and they become a path for scientific research. There are many types of those that go deep in the ocean that work with nuclear energy. They can be used for war, for research, for many purposes to save. I’ve always had an interest in submarines.